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Make Time for What Is Important to YOU!

be-do-have“Make Time for What Is Important to YOU!” was the title of a women’s group presentation last week, and like so many, the women felt the stress of having so much on their plate that is seemed impossible to get the important things done. The to do list gets longer rather than shorter and easy to lose sight of why we are investing in particular activities and commitments.

One of my favorite approaches to prioritization is “Be Do Have” – It’s a simple framework and focuses on fulfillment by shifting the paradigm from an outer to an inner state. Have you noticed how many people are defined by what they do or have? Our goals are often lists of what we want to acquire or do and then require a frenzied pace to get what think we want to be. For instance, once we have saved some money, we will go on a vacation and be happy from the new adventures and experiences. While a vacation may bring pleasure and and a welcome break, it’s rarely the route for satisfaction.

When we start with who we are “being” first, we recognize an inner state of values, emotions, expectations and  thoughts, and the place where we discern our deepest beliefs and truths about ourselves and the world. We make the choices and actions from this place whether we are aware or not, and our repeated actions become our habits.

So if we want to have something, focusing on who we are being will likely shift what we choose to do in order to have it.  If I know what I really want to be is someone who is adventuresome, it opens up a whole new set of possibilities for having this, and comes from a place of purpose. Aligning our priorities and activities by asking the being question first helps us to be more intentional with our choices.

If I realize having new adventures and experiences is what’s most important and I want to have more, it opens new options. Maybe a local rock climbing group would give a sense of adventure, or perhaps connecting with one of the community ethnic groups for festivals and restaurants might help have more experiences. If I want to have more responsibility and exposure in my role, perhaps being more proactive and volunteering for a key community role would sharpen a needed skill set.

One of my favorite quotes is by Gandhi, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” And that means today, right now, if I want to…

have more forgiveness, be forgiving!

take more risks, be courageous!

want to slow down, be present!

have more laughter, be fun!

Taking a look at who you are being helps shift our perspective to a whole new set of possibilities for getting what we really want.

– Who do you want to be right now?

– What do you really (really) want?

– How many different ways can you see possibilities?

Now, go write a to do list and see what’s really important to you!


